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A pergola is an architectural adornment widely used during the Italian Renaissance and commonly found in Connecticut residences enhancing their outdoor spaces.

Basically made of crossbeams and sturdy boards, a pergola can be built with lattice and vines can be used to add some creative flare. Colorful flowers add an extra charm and the use of curtains and spotlights can make the perfect scenario for an event.

Even in the absence of walls and a roof to provide shelter from wind and rain, a pergola will still offer protection from the harsh glare or direct sunlight and add life to your property. A pergola's unique structure places you inside and outside at the same time, and the midday sun light can make the perfect focal point for your landscape. Pergolas can also give support for climbing plants to grow.

Pergolas may extend from a door to an open garden, an isolated terrace or a pool. As a distinctive structure, a pergola can also be used as a "green tunnel" forming a cool and shaded passage with series of arches.

A pergola can also be the ideal element to create a spot in your garden that you may want to use as a lounge space with patio chairs and enhance the value of your property by adding an extra sitting area for guests.

The pergola featured on the picture above was built by Maffini Home Improvement in Norwalk, CT where a beautiful garden is taken care by Freddy's Landscape Company, composing an harmonious space. Check our picture gallery to see more.

Maffini Home Improvement crew strive for complete customer satisfaction on every project they achieve, and for Alex Maffini and Cleverson Cangussu building a pergola to bring shade and breeze for their loyal clients to upgrade their homes is a very nice accomplishment.

Call us at (203) 362-5370 whenever you are ready to have your home upgraded with a pergola!



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